It is a rainy afternoon.Just like so many others these days! Its been pouring constantly!

Hving mentioned rains, I cant fail 2 mention how much I luv the rains!how the site of the whole envornment draped in green quilt entices me!how much I long 2 c the rain drops dripping of the greenies.neways this is not abt rains!

I was sittin in my home house arrested by my mom as south Gujarat is on flood alert( a thing tht happens every monsoon!)hvin nothing else to do..i thought of making candles!after much effort..i gathered the requisites and sat at my mission.

I made a beautiful red candle in a tiny glass bowl. It looked beautiful n I was proud of it. It took a few mints 4 it 2 dry n solidify..but those moments really did test my patience!

Just as I was getting exasperated..thr it was! My beautiful red candle!

I scrutinized it , decorated it with glitter, gave final touched to its wick..i cudnt wait to light it! To see how beautiful it wud look glowing in the dark!excited!! I took it 2 my bedroom. Darkened the room and bought my lighter almost hopping at my “constructive“way of passing time!i lit it..Just then.. my fone rang! It was Sheila friend Madhus mom.

Madhu and m hv been frds since 1st grade. We did our schooling together. Being the only girl child in her family, she was 1 pampered brat! All her wishes were commands to her parents and her 2 elder brother.She has always been the apple of everyones eye! Confident, pretty, smart..she was every guys dream 2! It was when v were 15 tht she met

Rahul. Rahul was in the second year of his graduation. While Madhus family was filthy rich..Rahul was just about well-off. They..for some reasons which I shall never comprehend!...fell in luv.Against all odds,she wud meet him. He wud manage funds to buy her gifts.Rahul was so simple! I duno wat she saw in him! Anyways…

Like usual…Madhus parents did not approve of their relation.but she was too much in luv 2 care abt all tht. Her relation with it kept the time she was 17..she was sure she wanted 2 marry him!on her 18nth birthday, she eloped and married Rahul. Her parents shocked at this step of had no choice or say. They did her “vidai” and she left with rahul. To where??nobody knows! Occasionally she wud give a call to me . I learnt they didn’t hv a job.They struggled to make ends meet. They refused taking help from her parents….again for a reason I wont understand! Anyways..eventually I learnt tht she was pregnant…(uhmm..shes my age..m in collg n shes gona b a momy!)

Shelia aunty asked me if I know how she is doing…if I met her recently…cuz she hadn’t heard from her lately n she was worried.her voice sounded low and I could feel how she longed for her daughter. Her brothers don’t talk about her.i was asked by her not 2 tell aunty abt her pregnancy and so I kept mum. She hung up as this conversation did nothing to soothe her..though I did try to console her!!!

I turned back…only to see a bit of wat was remaining of my candle. I sat beside it in my darkened room…listening to rain fall outside and got thinking abt madhu. A girls life. A daughters life. Its so much like my candle!! U take all the efforts to make it. Make it as beautiful as u can. U know u want it to light the world. To enlighten the world.but before u realize…shes not only lighting the world…but loosin herself…melting…melting in to the world. Meshing into it…loosing her self…