Monday, October 29, 2007

From Her To Him

The memories u gave me..the ones tht r in my heart...continue 2 replenish my soul n water my heart.the intense feel is becomin more n more palpable evry second..n im loosing myself every moment.they say”getting lost” is a negative term...wonder y it doesnt seem to me.or maybe those ignorant people aint aware of the beauty of getting lost.getting lost in u...getting lost in faith!
It is like living wid a soul..sharing urself wid sum1.ur in my thoughts all de ur long..its like the sun shines just 2 remind us of—us. The moon glistens just 2 remind us of our nites under iton the beach.the rains pour down only 2 bring back the taste of the icecreams to my mouth..drenching in the rain!every time the cuckoo sings, I know u hv asked him 2 serenade me. Every time the windy brezze caresses me..i know its u whisperin careless whispers..ur sweet nothings into my ears..i was ur princess and u my knight in the shining armour!

Its been 3 years now luv since v parted..but still u r so much a part of me! I luv u for all tht u r to me..for all tht u hv dunn for me..for all tht u hv been to me..for the three roses u wud alays giv 2 me n say I luv u…..for the late nite calls just 2 say I luv u calls…..for waking me early during my xams even if u had had a beatin day……and I luv u for leaving when u knew I had to gett mrrd to sumone else. I can still see ur moist face glistening in them as v parted.luv, u hv made my life beautiful . u hv given to it a new meaning. I know wherever u r u r thinking of me as well. Thku luv 4 luvin me so unconditionally. So truly. So honestly.i luv u 4ever. --just then suddenly outa nowhere her hubby appears asking her 4 his breakfast. She wipes a tear or two..and wid a smile heads 2wards the kitchen…the whole of her de gets over juggling between kitchen..her 2 year old baby and her hubby(whose a baby himself-like most of u men?)—

Finally in the late evening she gets back 2 where she left… Luv.. sometimes I repent not doing things tht luvrs do. I repent not letting u touch me..not letting u try the one more last time to convince my parents..well..i just wish u r fine ..n tht u too ,like me ,hv a family of ur own..a wonderful kid..n.a…..spouse..
PS; i hv seen most of the indian women do this. sacrificing their teenage luv 4 their hubbies n end up being the house maid. mayb 2de d times r changing but still, u cud say this is the story of an average indian wife. wat say all u shaadi-shudaas??

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