Monday, October 29, 2007

Three Red Roses...

The horizon was clear and looked like the most puuuurfect painting of the lord.The clear blue hues merging into the orangish tints of the sun…struggling hard to break through the blue cascade.Pratibha luved the site of the rising sun.The fresh wind flowing through her hair felt so good! She stood leaning to her bedroom door attatched to the green terrace. Feelin the wind caress her face.. staring at the orange ball sprouting outta the glowing sky.she closed her eyes. Breathing in the freshness the new day brought to her.this was the best part of her day..while most of us would crib about getting up so early, it was an absolute delight for her! Her pale skin now glowing in the fresh breezes she enjoyed the first moments of a day.Suddenly.. her serene expression was disturbed ..just like the sudden appearance of ripples do to the peace of a lake.She opened her eyes..only to find a grey sky with lotts a clouds thundering…warning to pour! Even before she cud realize wat was happenin,it began to drizzle!!she broke into a smile and looked up wid such contentment n happiness towards the sky..The First showers!!They were always special to her …for they reminded her of him..he who had twinkle in his eyes..he, who wid his impish smile melted her! He ,whose stare wud sweep her off her feet!! The trickle of the first drops on her tender skin reminded her of his touch..Nikhil! They had met during college..the des of recklessness when everything was casual. She still remembered how they had met on a rainy de…when she was desserted alone during a storm n he had offered her a lift.Though studying in the same college, they had never shared anything before tht de..except for admiring glances.It was then tht their liaison began. Nither of them knew wat it was..but they knew it was special! She remembered riding bikes in the rain..eating icecreams..getting absolutely drenched in the rain and…aaaannnnnnnchhhhu!! Falling ill wid flu! It was all so was asif she was transferring to the past!!
Suddenly she gained a -lighting struck-expression and ran inside..she reached to the closet and opened the drawers. There lay in her most cherished treasure boxes..three withered roses with petals barely hanging ..she smiled as she opened the note tht lay there..”three roses to say I LOVE YOU” .the letters were hardly read-able and m sure only she cud make sense and decipher tht handwriting!! Half of it had faded cuza time and the other half..cuz it was handed it to her on a rainy day by him..she smiled n it was hard to comprehend if she was cryin..cuz her face was already wet!! She was compeletly lost in her thoughts when –a knock at the door—pulled er outta the nostalgic journey.she dried her face and ran towards her bedroom door.

She pulled open n was surprised to find no one. Just as she was getting back in..she noticed the three roses sitting pretty on her enter mat andan envelope enclosed.she almost skipped a beat!! She cudnt believe wat she saw! She almost believed she was hallucinating. She stood numb on the door ,staring at wat was there but her mind was in abyss for sure! Just then.. a lil hand pulled her . “momy !! cmon.. open it!!” he mush hv had to shake her atleast a dozen times before she realized he was there. In a state of semi conscious state she kneed down so as to match heights wid her son..”momy open it!” he said. Handing it to her. She opened it . three red roses glistening in water . they were fresh!! The letter just like hers..was half washed away..she cudnt believe wat was happening!wid trembling hands she opened the letter n saw the same old words…”I luv u” she gasped!! It was 5 years since he was gone! Gone forever! Just then her lil boy hugged her n wishin- "happy moms de" he whispered faintly " it was all i managed to get due to the rains".. she held him tight wid tears flooding her and whispered "u r just like ur dad my lil son!"
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