Monday, February 27, 2012


"Let's watch the sunrise at Udaipur," he said, sipping the last of his chai. "You are kidding me! Its almost 400kms" She uttered in disbelief.

"I did it last time wid my biker gang," he said with a casual air.

Dawns and dusks belonged to them. They met every day for chai. Their friendship had sprouted and nurtured itself in that very chai stall.

They would both be there at the same time by co-incidence. The initial courtesy glances soon converted into light chatter. The light chatter soon developed into a friendship that they cherished. The chai time was the high point of their slow monotonous days at the call center.

"Let's meet at 9?" He proposed.

She still din believe him. Yet, a part of her felt like jelly inside of her, melting with excitement. He was, after all, asking her out. Even though it was a different, and yet very romantic date.

The rest of the day passed between staring at the clock and day dreaming about the ride.

It was eight o clock and she had already changed. Thrice. Put on her most expensive perfume. Dabbed some of the coca butter lip gloss that promised to taste like chocolate. Fixed her hair twice. Fretted about footwear a zillion times. Made mental notes of going shopping and what all to buy the next time. And looked at the watch seven times. It seemed to her that the seconds hand of the clock was not budging out of some conspiracy she failed to comprehend.

At 8:50, her cell phone rang. "Main to ainvain ainvain loot gaya".. The ringtone she set for him. She held the phone in her hand but din want him to think that she had been waiting. So she let it ring. Ainvain ainvain... Ainvain ainvain.. Gud dekha.. "Hello" she said.. But was met with silence.. Hello? She raised her volume and spoke into the phone..

(to be continued..)

1 comment:

Ruchita Doshi said...

Amazingly written.. when do we get to read it further.. Good going Janavi