Wednesday, February 29, 2012


"Hello?".. She screamed. And then looked on the screen. The phone had been disconnected.
Was he there already and giving her a missed call? She rushed towards her small balcony. How could she miss the thunder of his bullet..she thought. He wasn't there. She picked up her phone and called him. A tune from Dev D welcomed her, followed by "Hello," in what seemed like a mature woman's voice..
"Who's this!?" She said.. Checking her phone screen to see if she dialed the right number. She felt a strange rush of emotion down her spine. Who could this woman be?
" I am shopkeeper. Sir forgot his phone here. Yours was the last dialed number so I called," the voice said.
She confirmed again, "you are shopkeeper?" And felt a sense of relief and "i-am-so-silly" feeling. "please keep the phone with you. We will come collect it, thank you so much!" She couldn't control her massive smile as she said those words, still reeling from the tension of what she thought could be.
For that one brief moment, she had felt scared. Insecure. And in that one moment, she had realized his importance for her. Not that it was anything new for her. She had been secretly falling for him, twice every day, over chai. And several times in between.
Thud.. Thud.. She heard his bullet nearing. Happiness, she felt, all over herself. She looked into the mirror one last time and gave her best smile. Convinced with her good looks, she even took a picture of herself on her phone cam and committed to make that one, her display picture.
She surveyed the contents of her bag once more. A spare tee, comb, lip gloss, wallet, make up stuff, a few wrappers that irritated the hell out of her yet stayed there, a scarf, her Raybans, a small diary.. It was like a mini world in her bag.
She heard the horn honk and rushed down her 1st floor apartment.
He stood there. Balancing the Bullet. A tattered helmet and worn out jacket.
She looked at him and the jelly inside of her began to melt again. As much as she din want to, she smiled. In fact, beamed like an idiot. Even with the helmet on, she knew the reply to her big smile was a slant lip, that he called his original smile.
"Where's your phone dude?" She teased.
"What? Phone?" He felt his pockets and just as he was about to panic, she told him about the call.
Cribbingyet thankful to have the phone safe, they headed towards the shop. Riding pillion, she felt a little uncomfortable. She always thought that the Bullet seat made her bum look big. Soon, they were zooming through the traffic. They rode without a word. Her hands, seemingly casually, on his shoulders. His strong cologne, wafting and penetrating in to her palms.
After riding for almost twenty minutes, they were there at the store. A jewelry store.

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